Cape Cod Viewfinders Scavenger Hunt
1 Something which glows.
2 Something which grows.
3 Something from the sea.
4 Something which says, “Hey, that’s me!
5 Shooting from the Hip!
6 Shooting Where Leprechauns Zip!
7 Shooting What’s Wild!
8 Creating an image which is Painterly!
9 Creating an image which says “gratitude” to me.
10 Ending with a unique Sunset Selfie.
The ten items above can be interpreted any way that strikes your fancy.
You can enter 1 image or 10 images, no more than 1 per category.
Shoot new images, or go back to your archives.
Process as much as you would like, or give it to us straight from the camera.
Break any “rules” you want to break. Take any chances you want to take!
Upload images through the Viewfinders website the way we do for competitions. You will find the 10 scavenger hunt categories there.
Upload your images by noon on October 6th.
Most of all, have FUN!
Come to the Octoberfest Party on Zoom on October 7th at 7:00 (doors open at 6:30) where we will enjoy slideshows of our scavenger hunt images.
Zoom Link--
If you have any questions, please email Sue (