Cape Cod Viewfinders Camera Club
For the Improvement and enjoyment of photography
Viewfinders On-Line Presentation:
Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Jon Rolf
“Journeys in Wildlife Photography
Counting Down, Getting There, Being There,
and Feeling It”
7:00pm to 9:00pm
eastern time zone
Zoom “Doors” Open at 6:30
log on info:
Passcode: 969992
Meeting ID: 977 4962 3861
Dr. Jon Rolf is retired and living in Brewster Massachusetts. His passion is traveling on all seven continents for wildlife photography and videography. His CCVF presentation shares his experiences finding and packing portableequipment for anoctogenarian, coping with travel calamities, creating “Being There” story-based images and videos to share. He has had some recognition in photo competitions over the years - for example, winning image/print of the year in our CCVF club and in NECCC Inter-club Competitions Color Print of the Year and Nature Image of the Year (Class A).
He obtained his B.A. at Amherst College and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He taught psychology and public health courses and conducted research related to preventive interventions for children at risk for mental and substance abuse disorders. He held faculty positions at the University of Vermont, the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and finally at the Kansas State University where he served a Distinguished Professor of Community Health. He also served as a scientific advisor and research administrator at the National Institute of Mental Health, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the National Institute on Aging. His research has been funded by foundations and the National Institutes of Health.
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